2nd & 3rd years
Administrative re-registrations in the 2nd and 3rd year are to be carried out according to the instructions of the different universities.
Re-registration is subject to the opinion of the individual monitoring committee (CSI). In the absence of the CSI's opinion, re-registration will not be authorised. Please consult the information on the individual thesis monitoring committee on the page dédiée.
The doctoral student must have uploaded on the platform ADUM the report of his/her CSI.
Re-registration in the 2nd and 3rd year of the thesis is compulsory and can only be done online via the platform ADUM. Your re-registration must be finalized before December 1st of the current year.
Regardless of the institution of registration, re-registration in the 2nd and 3rd year of the doctorate is compulsory. The doctoral student must connect to his personal space ADUM and follow the procedure indicated.
For more information you can consult the fiche de procédure pour une réinscription à PSL.
Doctoral re-registrations at the University Paris Cité are entirely dematerialized.
The doctoral school sends the list of students authorized to re-enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year to the registration team of the University Paris Cité.
The registration team then takes care of the "passes" that will allow doctoral students to re-register.
Doctoral students receive a link to the online re-registration application via an automatic email sent by the registration team following the "passes".
Doctoral students re-register and pay online.