Additional year

The duration of a thesis is 3 years. However, an exception for a 4th registration can be granted by the Director of the Doctoral College, on the basis of a proposal validated by the Director of the ED, provided that it is financed until the date of the defence.


Additional year

If you defend before December 31, you will not have to re-register in 4th year.

For a defense beyond December 31, you must re-register in the 4th year via the ADUM platform and provide the following elements:

  • a progress report or thesis writing schedule
  • a copy of the report of the third individual monitoring committee (CSI3)
  • proof of funding up to the scheduled defense date
  • CVEC payment certificate

No derogation can be granted for registration in the 5th year for doctoral students who do not carry out another professional activity in parallel.

f the doctoral student is unable to defend his/her thesis before 15 December of the 3rd year of registration, he/she will enter a derogation regime. He/she must then apply for re-registration in the 4th year. The doctoral student must log in to his/her ADUM personal space and follow the procedure indicated.

The file must contain the following documents:

  • A reasoned letter from the doctoral student
  • A reasoned opinion from the thesis director
  • A proof of financing

If the doctoral student cannot defend before December 31 of the 3rd year of registration, he/she enters a derogatory regime.


The doctoral student defending his thesis beyond December 31 of the 3rd year of registration must apply for registration in the 4th year by following the procedure indicated on the site web de l'Université Paris Cité.

Requests for exemptions must reach the university registration team, under cover of the doctoral school, no later than October 30 of the 3rd year of registration. Beyond that, the doctoral student is considered to have abandoned the thesis.

The deadline for administrative re-registration after authorization of derogation by the University is set at November 30 of the 3rd year of registration.

The re-registration request file must be sent by e-mail to the doctoral school ( It should consist of the following parts:

  • The fiche de demande de dérogation signed by the student and the PhD director
  • A reasoned letter from the doctoral student
  • A reasoned opinion from the thesis director
  • A proof of financing
  • a progress report
  • a copy of the report of the third individual monitoring committee (CSI3)