1st year
Administrative registration can only be done after obtaining the pedagogical agreement of the doctoral school. (cf. "APPLICATION")
The administrative registration university depends on i) the attachment of the host laboratory to one or more of the co-accredited universities, ii) on the establishment which will manage your employment contract, and iii) on the nature of the thesis funding.
PhD students who are succesfull in the Doctoral Contract Allocation Process enroll in the university that awarded the funding.
For other funding, the prevailing rule is that each PhD student registers in the university to which his/her laboratory is attached, if the laboratory is attached to one of the 3 co-accredited universities. If the laboratory is located outside these 3 co-accredited universities, the doctoral student registers at Sorbonne University.
After validation of the student's application by the Director of the Doctoral School, he is invited to complete his administrative registration online via the platform ADUM.
PhD students registering in the 1st year must create an ADUM account to submit their registration request. This account will allow them to fill in the details of their thesis and manage a number of administrative procedures
Connect to https://www.adum.fr/index.pl to create your account and start the registration process.
Information on the registration calendar and the procedure to follow can be found on the Doctoral College website at the following link: https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/affectation-dans-un-laboratoire-de-la-faculte-des-sciences-et-ingenierie-ou-de-medecine
Your contacts at Sorbonne University:
The Doctoral College
The mission of the Sorbonne University Doctoral College is to propose the main scientific orientations of the doctoral policy, by identifying shared strategic objectives and priorities.
The tuition service
Administrative registration and payment of fees are managed by the Doctoral Students Welcome Office (BAD). Each year in September, doctoral students must renew their registration with the Doctoral Students Welcome Office. The BAD is also in charge of the defense procedure, the awarding of diplomas and other administrative procedures (requests for caesura, specific assistance for doctoral scholarship holders, etc.).
Bureau d'accueil des doctorants
15 rue de l'école de médecine - 75006 Paris
Escalier G - 2e étage
Doctoral Charter
The Doctoral Charter defines the values of Sorbonne University for doctoral training, as well as the rights and obligations of those involved in doctoral training, particularly with regard to the conditions of monitoring and supervision. It guarantees scientific excellence and defines a guideline for the development of doctoral studies and the relations between all the actors involved. It applies to all actors involved in doctoral training at the Sorbonne University. At the end of the admission procedure, it is signed by the doctoral candidate, the thesis director and, if applicable, the co-director, the director of the research unit and the director of the doctoral school.
Charte du doctorat de Sorbonne Université
Once the application has been validated by the ED, the doctoral candidate is invited to go to the ENS website.
Details available on the Doctoral College of PSL website
Details available on the ENS website
Once the registration documents have been completed and signed, you must send them to the ED3C for the director's signature. Then, you must submit all the documents to:
ENS — Pôle des doctorants et HDR de l'ENS
45, rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Your contacts at Paris Sciences et Lettres :
The Doctoral College
The PSL Doctoral College coordinates and implements the PSL doctoral policy. It brings together the 29 doctoral schools accredited or co-accredited by the PSL University. It contributes to the exchange of experiences, the dissemination of good practices and the promotion of PhD students at PSL University.
Site web du Collège doctoral de PSL.
The tuition service
ENS : doctorat@ens.psl.eu
Doctoral Charter
The Doctoral Charter defines the values of PSL University for doctoral training, as well as the rights and obligations of those involved in doctoral training, particularly with regard to the conditions of monitoring and supervision. It guarantees scientific excellence and defines a guideline for the development of doctoral studies and the relations between all the actors involved. It applies to all actors involved in doctoral training at PSL. At the end of the admission procedure, it is signed by the doctoral candidate, the thesis director and, if applicable, the co-director, the director of the research unit and the director of the doctoral school.
Once their application has been validated by the ED, the doctoral student can proceed with the administrative registration.
Candidates download the registration file on eCandidat (Guide pour la création de votre compte eCandidat). The access link to the platform will be communicated by the doctoral school.
Composition of the file:
- CV
- Copy of ID
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Fiche d’autorisation d’inscription signed by the PhD director and the laboratory director
- ID photo
- The doctoral access title (copy of the Master's degree or certificate of success)
- The research project
- The Convention de formation completed and signed
- The Charte de thèse signed by all actors (PhD director, PhD student, laboratory director and ED director)
- The Formulaire de déclaration de financement de la thèse
- Pedagogical registration form (available on e-candidat in the “additional form” section)
In the Training Agreement, under "ED3C Prerequisites", candidates must indicate:
"The thesis must contain original research by the doctoral student. The stated objective of ED3C is for the doctoral student to have at least one signed first-position publication accepted in an international peer-reviewed journal. A first-position signed article submitted for publication may be considered for approval to defend. These criteria apply to all doctoral students in the ED, regardless of their enrolment institution, discipline or category (paid or unpaid)."
Once the file has been completed, candidates must upload it on the e-candidate website and send it to the doctoral school (ed3c@sorbonne-universite.fr) . These documents are then signed by the Director of the ED and sent by the Doctoral School to the University of Paris Cité for signature by the President of the University.
The enrolment office will contact you to finalise your enrolment and provide you with your student card and school certificate.
Although the administration of the UPC does not use the ADUM platform for registrations and defense management, the day to day management of the ED3C relies on this tool. It is therefore imperative that each doctoral student creates an account on the platform ADUM and provide the requested information and documents.
Contacts at the University Paris Cité :
The Doctoral College
The University Paris Cité is committed to a doctoral policy aimed at training for research and training through research. It encourages students to pursue careers in all sectors of activity by offering a wide variety of professional training courses dedicated to doctoral students.
The Doctoral College and HDR Schools supports doctoral students in their training, from registration to the issuance of their diploma.
The CED's Doctoral Student Training Department offers all doctoral students from the University Paris Cité and its partners a wide range of practical and cross-disciplinary training courses, free of charge, to help them develop the skills they need for their professional activities in all sectors.
Tuition services
Doctoral registration is annual and must be renewed at the beginning of each academic year. Registrations and re-registrations are dematerialised.
Registration team : inscription.doctorat.drive@u-paris.fr
Defence team : soutenance.doctorat.drive@u-paris.fr
Doctoral Charter
The Doctoral Charter defines the values of Paris Cité University for doctoral training, as well as the rights and obligations of those involved in doctoral training, particularly with regard to the conditions of monitoring and supervision. It guarantees scientific excellence and defines a guideline for the development of doctoral studies and the relations between all the actors involved. It applies to all actors involved in doctoral training at UPC. At the end of the admission procedure, it is signed by the doctoral candidate, the thesis director and, if applicable, the co-director, the director of the research unit and the director of the doctoral school.