Training in ethics and scientific integrity

The decree of 25 May 2016 stipulates that doctoral students must undergo training in ethics and scientific integrity. The decree of 26 August 2022 also requires that they be made aware of the issues and means of Open Science.  These are the only compulsory courses for ED3C doctoral students.

Training in ethics and scientific integrity

There are several options available to doctoral students.

1)  Each year, ED3C organises a conference in this field as part of the 1st and 2nd year PhD scientific days.

2)  Various MOOCS on these subjects are available online. We suggest 3 of them, whose content and case studies are particularly relevant to a scientific audience:

3)  The co-accredited universities organise conferences, lecture series and workshops on these issues throughout the year. Doctoral students can consult the universities' training catalogue and register for courses via the following links.

  • Sorbonne University catalogue of the Département formation et carrières (DFC). Registration via ADUM
  • Paris Sciences et Lettres : catalogue of the Collège Doctoral. Registration via ADUM
  • University Paris Cité: catalogue of the Département de formation des doctorants. Registration via Amethis